Touch screen 4" monochomatic

  • Touch screen 4" monochomatic

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DFTouch video terminal is a simple customizable graphical interface allowing an easy management of the domotic plant realized with Domino DFTOUCH bus.

The main characteristics of DFTouch video terminal are the following:
• Direct connection to bus Domino bus
• Monochromatic display 240x320
• Time controlled back lighting and adjustable contrast
• Up to 50 user’s pages
• Customization of any page with a background image and icons (animations) for the displaying of the status of bus points and to send commands to the outputs
• Page switching through buttons on the display which can be freely customized
• Page recall at the occurrence of a status change on one or more bus points; this function is useful for alarm management
• Acoustic beeper (buzzer) inside the device whose operation can be programmed as required
• Displaying of temperatures measured by bus modules (e.g. DFTA and DFTE), both in numerical and graphical format (BDGraph)
• Management of temperature regulation modules (e.g. DFCT)
• Management of scheduler/clock module (DFCK3)
• Displaying and editing of date and time (by DFCK3 or DFCP modules)
• Displaying of electrical parameters of the plant, measured by DFCC or DFANA modules
• Management of sceneries: DFTouch allows to create, edit and save many sceneries, therefore this operation can be done by the final user without the intervention of a qualified installer. The sceneries can be recalled by buttons on DFTouch or by physical pushbuttons connected on the bus. Each scenery can control lights, shutters, blinds, brightness level of dimmer modules, the temperature setpoint of the clima system and many more
• Screen saver function with customizable image and time out
• BDGraph or DFTouchTools programs, free of charge and user friendly for the development of the pages to be displayed on DFTouch
• RS232 serial port for the uploading of the application
• Each page can have a background image in bitmap format, thus easily customizable; in addition, the development software is provided together to a wide library of symbols
• More DFTouch terminals can be installed in the same plant

DFTouch housing allows the mounting in a standard wall box model 506E.
DFTouch does not require any bus address.

Power supply: By Domino bus or 12÷24Vdc SELV ±20% or 12Vac ±10%

Display: monochrome 4” LCD 240x320

Back lighting: LED

Contrast regulation: via touch panel

PC interface: RS232 by provided cable

Acoustic beeper: Internal buzzer with programmable operation

Number of bus addresses

Housing: For standard wall box model 506E

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  • See the following documents:
  • Brochure: IT EN